Beloit Kickoff Meeting This Thursday, March 5th – Please Join Us!

We have never been more divided in our politics than we are today.  And, while politicians seemingly can’t agree on anything, the American people enthusiastically agree on this – THERE IS TOO MUCH MONEY IN OUR POLITICAL SYSTEM!

Regardless of whether you are a Republican or a Democrat, progressive or liberal, or Independent, your issue is not going to be addressed in any meaningful way until we separate the money from the politicians.

Please join us for an organizational meeting, this Thursday, March 5th, at 7 pm, at the Beloit Public Library, 605 Eclipse Boulevard (map). Native Beloiter, Rick Brunton, will provide a background for how it got this way and what “We the People” can do to fix it. Rick believes that this is the most important issue of our time if we are to return America to the democracy that our Founding Fathers shed their blood and treasure to establish. He is working with Move to Amend throughout the State of Wisconsin to educate citizens of the power that the writers of the US Constitution intended us (“We the People”) to have over the future direction of the United States.

Following Rick’s talk, we will discuss what it’ll take to add Beloit to the growing list of cities calling for an end to this corrupt political process. Please come with your questions and a willingness to volunteer your time. This is THE core issue of our time and it’s time for all of us to stand up for what’s right.

Fifty-four Wisconsin communities have passed resolutions in support of Move to Amend’s proposed Constitutional amendment. Nationwide, over 600 communities and sixteen states have called for an amendment.

Hope to see you on the 5th!

South Central Wisconsin Move to Amend (SCWMTA)
Jim Crist
Rick Brunton

About James Crist

How do we stop America's decline? The country is in trouble and we can all feel it. Where did we go wrong? How do we fix it? We now have an auction-based government, for sale to the highest bidder. Politicians have become nothing more than corporate whores and pawns for the rich. If we want our representatives to represent us, let them get their campaign money from us, their constituents. We have to amend the constitution to get the big money out of politics.
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